One of the things all parents want to teach their boy is to "be nice to girls". If the advice stops there, it sounds kind of cheesy to me.. I took this picture of my boy simply because he loves boats. But while I was uploading them on the computer I thought to myself: This is what I want my child to know.. How pure and deep is a love that can wait? Wild at heart men who fought for their precious woman, having sometimes to wait years before they saw their beloved back because they were stuck in war or were working to survive.. Ahh I know my mind is junping ahead of me :) Just let me put it this way, I know for a fact that those men still excist and that a lot of those who looking like they are not really.. you know active, deep down are wild at heart. They just need a little push to be the warrior that they were born to be. ;)

wat is ie toch mooi en lief, he, An?
Ik vind deze foto's zoooo mooi!
kus, KA
det här är så så så så vackert skrivet, och fotat. love it.
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