Heya everybody! I´ve been ¨blogabsent¨ for a while and I just wanted you to know.. I am not intending to give up on this blogging any time soon! I am in love with being able to connect with you all through my blog and giving you updates on this Photographing Journey!
There have been many people who have been so kind in giving me advice about how make a plan to get this ¨photography thing¨ on the right track. There have been so many good advices, and I know everyone means so well! There have been a few people talking about keeping my personal life/being separate from the professional side, and I have been thinking about what to do with this advice. Even though I know that that will come across more professional.. my mind can´t totally agree on this point. Yes, Photographing is my job.. but above that it is my PASSION! To me it is love, life! And all my inspiration comes from the joy I experience in my own life. And feeling all of that I want to show you.. I can relate to you, to my clients! I am also ¨just¨ a normal young woman, mother, sister, auntie, daughter, friend, girlfriend! And my longing is that you get to know me, before we meet for a photoshoot. So you can relax! :) It´s just Anne.. and then we will together make the most amazing shots, because you will be you!
What do you think?
On these shots in gorgeous Autumn light, as I may say so myself you see my little boy Manasse and my sisters totally cute girl Evi Joy! I have been taking a few shots of their clothes to promote myself for a clothing line. Even though I am totally not sure about getting this job, I am in love with the result!
Ik zou absoluut niet je privé leven, gevoelens, gedachtes, noem maar op scheiden van het fotograferen als zakelijk..
Weet niet of je hier iets aan hebt, maar dat wordt bij ons op school altijd aangemoedigd om te doen.
Je word hierdoor toch geïnspireerd?
Groetjes, Sanne
Hej ! Blev så glad när jag såg att du uppdaterat din hemsida med nya underbara foton.
Att fotografera är ditt jobb, ditt intresse och ett sätt att leva. Det du fotograferar är ju också en del av ditt liv. Fortsätt som du gör. Fotografera dina nära och kära, de är helt fantastiskt fina "modeller", så levande på något sätt.
Ha det bra !
Hihi, ja ik schrijf soms maar wat op over wat ik allemaal aan het denken ben.
Ik doe Kunstacademie St.Joost in Breda. Ik ben net begonnen met fotografie, dus ik zit nu in het tweede jaar.
Maar wij verschillen wel heel veel met de dingen die we doen! Maar dat vind ik wel leuk. Jij bent heel commercieel bezig:)
En ik zit ook nog echt wat autonoom aan te kloten, haha.
Maar wat voor school doe jij dan precies?
Kul att du tittade förbi, sååå fina höstbilder!
I so agree with you to follow up on your own feeling in this. There is nothing wrong with getting personal if you ask me. For taking someone photo's is so very personal... and creating as a photographer is very personal, it's putting yourself out there. So I would enjoy your family photos. Especially since they are so very good and talented! Besides... i know some very good photographers who also publish their personal photos. Keep going.
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